Sound Techniques

Key term
Diegetic sound
When the sound is visible or implied in the in the world of the film.
Non Diegetic sound
Added for effect. Source is neither visible on screen nor has it been implied to be present in action.
Ambient sound
Background sounds that are present in a scene or location
A conversation between two or more people as a feature of a film
A short musical narrative used as a form of punctuation.
Incidental music
Music used as a background to create or change a particular atmosphere
Sound effect
A sound made artificially for use in the film/TV series.
Sound motif
A piece of music repeated to create a larger symbolic meaning.
A narration, not accompanied by an image of the speaker.
Associated music that accompanied by an image of the speaker.
Synchronous sound
Sound that is matched to movements, in the scene.
Contrapuntal sound
Sound contradicts what is going on in the scene
Sound bridge
When the film begins with the music being carried over
Sound perspective
A sound’s position in space as perceived by the viewer given by volume, fibre and pitch.