In-depth Analysis of Thriller Opening

Positioning: The main character is sitting down in first class. The air hostess then approaches him after she gives a tape another man.

Lighting: The lighting is dark in this scene, building the tension in the opening scene.

Acting: the air hostess gives tape to another man then walks towards the main character.

Costume: The main character has a suit showing that he has high status in the opening scene.

Expression: The main character in this scene has a serious expression showing that the scene is serious and is tense.

Setting: The setting of this scene is in a plane in first class. It is most likely at night due to the dark lighting and the windows on the plane being shut. This is important as it shows that one of the main characters is very important.

Props: In this shot a tape is given to one of the main characters. This is important as this prop explains the plot to the audience. Other props used are the tape player and a box of other tapes.