In-depth Analysi of editing

* J cut is being used in this opening scene where the main character starts talking as he is climbing the ladder then cuts to the next scene where he is talking to the crowd of people.

* Match on Action is used when the main character is walking away from the magic trick. The camera angle change to show the main character bumping into a hooded man. This shows the enigma code theory well as the viewer doesn’t know who the hooded man is.

* Cut away is used when the magic trick is being done to show the reaction of the audience. 

* Cut away is used during the magic trick. It shows the main character’s face then the spoon being hit on the railing then to a mid-shot of the magic trick.

* Match cut is used when the main character has done his trick then a member of the audience comes and removes the spoons from the main character. 

I think that “Now you see me” follows the enigma code as not a lot is revealed but small things happen such as the wallet being taken from a member of the audience and the main character bumping into the hooded man who starts to turn around but the viewer doesn’t see their face. Clues are also dropped off during the movie so some viewers are able to piece the film together solve the mystery of who was behind the whole thing.