opening scenes

This opening scene used match on action, shot/reverse shot but did not follow the 180 degree rule. The shot reverse shot was used when the 2 kidnapped boys were looking at each other and trying to communicate. Match on action was used when the boys picked up the pen and then attacked the kidnapper.
The editing methods used were, overlaying, adding sound effects,
The shot transitions used were jump cuts, straight cuts, shot/reverse shot.

This opening scene used match on action but did not use shot/reverse shot, and 180 degree rule, as there was only one character in focus.
The editing methods used included, black and white colouring, parallel editing, and added news reports.
The shot transitions used were jump cuts, match on action and straight cuts.

This opening scene used the 180 degree rule, shot/reverse shot and match on action.
The editing methods used included, adding new reports, switching to titles during the action, adding Lions gate to the start, and speeding up motion.
The shot transitions include, match on action, shot/reverse shot, straight shot.

The point of this task is to look at previous examples to see what shots are used and what editing methods are also used. From looking at these opening scenes we going to add background noises to make the scenes more effective such as office noises and a police radio so that the audience know what the location would be. Another effective editing method was a crossfade which we will also use in our opening scene.

 This task was designed to help us further understand what a good Opening Sequence is. Also to give us ideas we can incorporate into our own opening sequences and to give us ideas we wouldn't have thought of ourselves. This task was specifically meant to inspire us.

What we learnt from this task is that its best to keep things simple. Minimal talking etc. Its better to have a very immersive and simple opening sequence  than a complicated one that constantly breaks immersion with inadequate filming and unnecessary dialogue.

We will make sure our OS is immersive and kept simple. If there is dialogue, we will make sure to incorporate in an interesting way, sound overlays for example.