A. Actors can receive paper cuts when handling paper props.
To prevent this, actors are to handle paper props with care.
B. Actors can injure self on surrounding furniture and
surrounding props by tripping. To prevent this, actors are to have no untied
shoelaces or wear any clothing that may cause a trip. No trip hazards are to be
present on the floor while walking.
Note-Creating scene
A. Actors can receive paper cuts when handling paper props.
To prevent this, actors are to handle paper props with care.
B. Actors can injure self with scissors. To prevent this,
handle scissors with care and do not leave scissors in an open position.
House scene
A. Actors can receive paper cuts when handling paper props.
To prevent this, actors are to handle paper props with care.
B. Actors can injure self on surrounding furniture and other
props by tripping. To prevent this, actors are to have no untied shoelaces or
wear any clothing that may cause a trip. No trip hazards are to be present on
the floor while walking.
Underpass scene
B. Actors can injure self on surrounding furniture and other
props by tripping. To prevent this, actors are to have no untied shoelaces or
wear any clothing that may cause a trip. No trip hazards are to be present on
the floor while walking.