Analysis of film opening in sub-genre: S.W.A.T (2003)

As part of my continued research into shot types and editing features, I was asked to analyse the opening sequence of a film in the same genre as our opening sequence (Crime-thriller).

Within the opening sequence of the film S.W.A.T, the point of view changes frequently between a point of view shot and shots that show what an audience would be viewing on a television, through a television screen. The colours and camera quality in the Point of View shots are of better picture quality than the television camera shots. Editing techniques including L-Cuts, J-Cuts, jump cuts and Match on Action are all used to show the pandemonium in the opening sequence- cars and police being shot by the criminals, people running from the scene, helicopters circling above. Match on Action is extensively used to show the gunfight between the police and the criminals, as well as to show the swat team entering the bank and subduing the bank robbers. Cross-cutting is used to show the fast pace and the quick change of events that occur in the opening scene. Also, jump cuts are used to show the point of view from the media and the point of view from somebody that is in the gunfight in the opening sequence.

From what i have found when analysing this opening sequence, shot types such as long shots, close-ups and point of view shots are used frequently. Editing techniques such as L-cuts and Match on Action are also frequently used. From this analysis, we are certain to include these editing techniques and shot types in our opening sequence.