Titles openings

WWW: Images and imagery related to the film and related genres are shown.
EBI: if there were video also used, as this would better engage the audience.

WWW: there is video and the titles can be clearly seen against the grey background.
EBI: if the mes-en-scene was more relevant, possibly by including a better background and possibly film of people running.

The purpose of creating these short titles videos was to show several ways in which film titles can be displayed in a film's opening sequence.
Overall, the titles that were most effective were the titles for The Runner, I think this is due to the film using live footage, rather than just images as this would engage the audience more.
From my research, I conclude that titles are essential to a film as they explain what sort of genre and what type of film it is. This research will be used when making our opening sequence as our titles will be vital to how the audience view the film, the titles have to fit the genre and type of film.