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Q. What are the props?
A. A file that contains the details of the kidnapping case- pictures, documents, etc. we will also use a crowbar as one of the kidnapper's props.
Q. What is the sub-genre?
A. Crime-thriller
Q. What is it called?
A. We have not decided on a name for our film yet.
Q. What time of day will be filming?
A. We will be filming mainly in the afternoon and in the evening.
Q. What effect do you want to have on the audience?
A. We want the audience to feel that they want to know more from the film, as we will be using the enigma code thriller film narrative.
Q. what do the costumes look like visually?
A. Anthony will be wearing a suit, while being the detective, and a hoodie and Jeans while acting as the kidnapper.
Q. What's the sub genre?
A. Our film is a Crime-Thriller.
Q. What will the music sound like?
A. The music is to be changed to some other music as we have come to the conclusion that it is not appropriate for our film. Our film will use film by the same artist, Kevin McLeod.

Q. How is it going to work/whats going to happen?
A. The girl will be kidnapped when she sees the kidnapper leaving a burgled house. The girl is, in the present, explaining to a detective in a police station how she escaped the kidnapper, little does she know that her kidnapper is actually the police detective interviewing her.
Q. How is the kidnapper interviewing beth?
A. The kidnapper has a day job as a police detective.
Q. What prop?
A. Case file for the kidnapping case, a crowbar, chairs and table, as well as rope for when the kidnapper is holding the victim.